Small High Volts shock using 2SC1815 transistor

Small High Volts shock using 2SC1815 transistorLast Updated on: May 28, 2024 by iquThis is small high volts shock circuit,  low current. It is perfect for fun play. In circuit has a few components two small NPN transistors, 2 resistors and a transformer.  When switch S1 closes the circuit for feed power supply gives with Q1 and Q2. … Continue reading Small High Volts shock using 2SC1815 transistor

Cell Phone Detector Circuit

Cell Phone Detector CircuitMay 28, 2024By iquThe most common electronic equipment used now-a-days is Cell Phone or Mobile Phone. With advancement in communication technology, the requirement of cell phones has increased dramatically. A cell phone typically transmits and receives signals in the frequency range of 0.9 to 3GHz. This article provides a simple circuit to detect the presence … Continue reading Cell Phone Detector Circuit

Does ChatGPT Think Like Us?

How Does ChatGPT Think?Researchers are striving to reverse-engineer artificial intelligence and scan the “brains” of LLMs to deduce the how any why of that they are doingBY MATTHEW HUTSON & NATURE MAGAZINEFabio BuonocoreArtificial IntelligenceDavid Bau is very familiar with the idea that computer systems are becoming so complicated it’s hard to keep track of how they operate. “I … Continue reading Does ChatGPT Think Like Us?


BREAKING—DOZENS OF @GOOGLE WORKERS WITH THE #NOTECHFORAPARTHEID CAMPAIGN TAKE OVER & START SIT-IN INSIDE GOOGLE CLOUD CEO THOMAS KURIAN’S OFFICE AT @GOOGLECLOUD’s HQ IN SUNNYVALE; They refuse to leave until @google drops Project Nimbus and stops powering the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza.Simultaneously , NYC Google workers have taken over the 10th floor commons of … Continue reading @GOOGLE WORKERS WITH THE #NOTECHFORAPARTHEID CAMPAIGN START SIT-IN

No Tech for Apartheid: Google Workers Arrested for Protesting Company’s $1.2B Contract with Israel

No Tech for Apartheid: Google Workers Arrested for Protesting Company’s $1.2B Contract with IsraelSTORYAPRIL 17, 2024 Watch Full Show        Volume 90%  ListenMedia Options This is viewer supported news. Please do your part today.DONATETOPICSTechnologyIsraelApartheidGUESTSMohammad KhatamiGoogle software engineer working with the No Tech for Apartheid campaign.Ray WestrickGoogle worker-organizer with the No Tech for Apartheid campaign.Gabriel Schubinerformer software engineer at Google Research … Continue reading No Tech for Apartheid: Google Workers Arrested for Protesting Company’s $1.2B Contract with Israel


NO TECH FOR APARTHEIDTestimonialsNo Tech For Genocide Day of Action - April 16NYC • SUNNYVALE • SEATTLE Google workers do not want their labor to power apartheid and Genocide. That's why on April 16, Google workers are leading a national day of action to demand that Google stop powering Israel's genocide of Palestinians in Gaza.Show up … Continue reading NO TECH FOR APARTHEID

NYC Google workers have taken over the 10th floor commons of @Google’s NYC HQ in a historic coast-to-coast sit-in and the first of its kind in tech, to demand No Tech For Genocide.

BREAKING—DOZENS OF @GOOGLE WORKERS WITH THE #NOTECHFORAPARTHEID CAMPAIGN TAKE OVER & START SIT-IN INSIDE GOOGLE CLOUD CEO THOMAS KURIAN’S OFFICE AT @GOOGLECLOUD’s HQ IN SUNNYVALE; They refuse to leave until @google drops Project Nimbus and stops powering the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza.Simultaneously , NYC Google workers have taken over the 10th floor commons of … Continue reading NYC Google workers have taken over the 10th floor commons of @Google’s NYC HQ in a historic coast-to-coast sit-in and the first of its kind in tech, to demand No Tech For Genocide.